Electrical & Electronics Engineering

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Electrical & Electronics Engineering - Teaching Learning Practices

Innovative Teaching and LearningPractices and Instructional Methods
1 High Voltage Engineering 1.Protectionagainst overvoltages. 2.Maintenance of oil Quality 3. impulse voltages and currents 4.Digital techniques in high voltage measurement 5. Insulation Coordination https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108104048/ui/TOC.htm
2 Biomedical Instrumrntation 1. Fibre optic temperature sensors. 2. Photo Plethysmography 3. ECG–EEG–EMG–ERG 4. Imagingapplication in Biometric systems 5. Advanced 3D surgical techniques https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108105101/
3 Principles of Management 1. Evolution of Management 2. Strategic Management 3. Human Resource Management 4 process of communication 5 Productivity problems and management https://nptel.ac.in/courses/122108038/
4 Microcontroller based System Design 1.PIC 16C6x and PIC16C7x Architecture 2.State machines and key switches 3. Sensor Interfacing. 4 Architectural Support for Operating systems 5. Embedded ARM Applications. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/Webcourse-contents/IIT-KANPUR/microcontrollers/micro/ui/TOC.htm
5 Power System Analysis 1. construction of Y-bus using inspection and singular transformation methods 2. computations of short circuit capacity 3. sequence circuits of synchronousmachine 4. Single Machine Infinite Bus (SMIB) system 5. Classification of buses https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108105067/
6 Microprocessor and Microcontroller 1. I/Oports and data transfer concepts 2. Loop structure with counting & Indexing 3. Functional Building Blocks of Processor 4. Architecture, configuration and interfacing 5. Simple programming exercises https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108105102/7
7 Power Plant Engineering 1. Layout of modern coal power plant 2. Steam & Heat rate, Subsystems of thermal power plants 3. Pressurized Water Reactor(PWR) 4. Typical Layout and associated components includingTurbines 5. Capital & Operating Cost of different power plants https://nptel.ac.in/courses/112106133/15
8 Power Electronics 1. MOSFET 2. Design of Driver and snubber circuit. 3. Circuit Schemes for Phase Control 4. Introduction to Resonant Converters 5. single phase and three phase cyclo converters https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108101038/
9 Electrical Machines-II 1. Synchronizing torque 2. Starting methods 3. Circle diagram 4. Braking of three phase induction motor 5. Hysteresis motor https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108105131/2
10 Control Systems 1. DC & AC Servo System 2. Design of PD,PI & PID Control System 3. Correlation between time & frequency domain & time domain specification 4. Charcteristics Equations 5. Effect of State Feedback https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108101037/
11 Transforms and Partial Differential Equations 1. Lagrange’s linear equation 2. General Fourier series 3. One dimensional equation of heat conduction 4. Transforms of simple functions 5. Convolution theorem https://nptel.ac.in/courses/122107037/29
12 Digital Logic Circuits 1. peration,characteristics of digital logic family 2. simplification and implementation of combinational logic 3. code converters, adders, subtractors 4. Moore and Melay models 5. PLA–PAL. http://www.nptelvideos.com/course.php?id=562
13 Electromagnetic Theory 1. Coordinate Systems 2. Electric field in multiple dielectrics 3. Energy density 4. Transformer and motional EMF 5. Electromagnetic wave generation and equations https://nptel.ac.in/courses/115101005/
1 Electric Energy Generation, Utilization and Conservation 1. train movement and energy consumption 2. energy saving lamps 3. interpoles compensating winding 4. Speed Torque Characteristics of DC Motors 5.Retardation test https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108105058/
2 High Voltage Direct Current Transmission 1. Description of DC transmission system 2. Converter bridge characteristics 3. Control of VSC based HVDC link 4. Reactive power requirements in steady state 5.DC system model https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108104013/
3 Professional Ethics in Engineering 1. Service learning 2. Variety of moral issues 3. Engineers as responsible Experimenters 4. Assessment of Safety and Risk 5. Environmental Ethics https://nptel.ac.in/courses/110105097/
4 Communication Engineering 1. Frequency spectrum 2. Generation of FM and DM 3. properties, BSC 4. Efficiency of transmissions 5. FDMA, TDMA, CDMA, SDMA https://nptel.ac.in/syllabus/117102059/
5 Embedded System 1. The build process for embedded systems 2. I/O Device Ports & Buses 3. Embedded Product Development Life Cycle 4. Interprocess Communication 5. Smart card System Application https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108102045/
6 Power System Operation & Control 1. An overview of power system operation and control 2. plant level and system levelcontrols 3. Basics of speed governing mechanism and modeling 4. secondary voltage control 5.I/O cost characterization https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108101040/
7 Design of Electrical Machines 1.Rating of machines 2. Design of commutator and brushes 3. Methods of cooling of Transformers 4. Magnetizing current 5. Design of salient pole machines https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108106023/
8 Control Systems 1. DC & AC Servo System 2. Design of PD,PI & PID Control System 3. Correlation between time & frequency domain & time domain specification 4. Charcteristics Equations 5. Effect of State Feedback https://nptel.ac.in/courses/108101037/
9 Measurement & Instrumentation 1.Errors in measurement 2.Instruments for measurement of frequency meter 3.Kelvin Double bridge 4. AC bridges: Maxwell bridge 5. Printers 6. Elements of data acquisition system https://nptel.ac.in/syllabus/108106070/
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